Mental Health

If you or someone you know is struggling, please reach out to one of the school counselors or a trusted adult. We are here to help.

  • Call 1-800-567-4673 for the HOPEline.

  • Text "4hope" to 741-741 to reach the Crisis Text Line. 

Services Provided:

Group Counseling: Provided for small groups of students experiencing similar concerns. These may include social skills, anger management, grief/loss, stress or anxiety, study skills, etc. Groups generally range from 4 to 6 students for 6 to 8 sessions. Students can be recommended by parents/guardians or staff members.

Individual Counseling: Short term one-on-one counseling support is available to all students PK-12. Students may self-refer or be referred by staff and/or parents/guardians.

Consultation: The counselors are available to have meetings with teachers, administration, and/or parents/guardians to discuss the needs of individual students. If the counselors can support your child in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Please note that all information discussed is confidential between the counselor and your child, unless they are planning on hurting themselves, hurting someone else, or someone is hurting them.